The TRMA Meritorious Award
The TRMA Meritorious Performance Award is a prestigious award that signifies excellence in safety, given to companies who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to protecting their workers, customers, and communities from harm and working without any OSHA Recordable injuries at TRMA Member plants.
We’re proud to announce that we’ve been recognized for the 15th year in a row!
This recognition reflects our dedication and commitment to providing safe, reliable service that help our customers achieve their goals. It also demonstrates how hard our team works every day to make sure that they can get the job done safely.
Our customers’ trust and loyalty are important factors in this achievement as well as all of our other successes at DePue Mechanical.
The Importance of Safety
Safety is our top priority. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors, vendors and visitors. The importance of safety in the workplace cannot be understated; it impacts every aspect of our business including productivity, morale and profitability.
Our commitment to safety has resulted in 15 years of consecutive TRMA Meritorious Awards for Excellence in Safety – an accomplishment that few companies can claim!
The Role of Our Employees
In order to win this award, you must have a strong culture of safety where everyone works together toward one goal: keeping workers safe. This means that every employee must understand their role in making sure that no one gets hurt or injured on the job site–and they must take ownership of it!
It takes hard work and dedication from everyone involved in order for us to achieve our goals every year. Despite challenges, our team managed once again to achieve zero lost time incidents, which makes us very proud indeed!
The Role of Our Customers
This award is also a testament to our customers’ continued support, trust and loyalty, and demonstrates their appreciation of our commitment to safety.
We are honored that you have chosen us as your partner in protecting people, property, equipment and the environment through our superior services.
Our Gratitude
We would like to thank our employees for their hard work and dedication. Without them, we could not have achieved this recognition.
Thank you to all of our customers for their loyalty and support. Your business is greatly appreciated!
We are so grateful for this recognition from TRMA, which validates all of the efforts we put into safety at DePue.
Congratulations to the team for this amazing achievement!
Congratulations also to our customers, who have made it possible for us to win this award 15 years in a row. We are proud of what we’ve achieved together, and look forward to continuing our work as we enter our 16th year of partnership with TRMA.